香格里拉台北遠東國際大飯店樓高43層,巍峨壯麗,是敦南大道知名的地標性建築,全館以免費有線及無線寬頻上網,獲得顧客的一致好評!飯店交通便利,距離台北世貿中心和國際會議中心只需5分鐘車程,到台北松山機場和桃園國際機場也分別只需15及45分鐘。全新改裝典雅寬敞的客房,每房皆可欣賞台北市別具風味的景致,半數房間還能坐擁台北101世界級美景;五間中西美食餐廳以及三間酒廊,提供高品質的飲饌享受!健身俱樂部設備一應俱全,包含兩座戶外游泳池,其中一座為全年開放、景觀絕佳的頂樓(43F)溫水游泳池;位於40樓的Qi Shiseido Salon and Spa也以優質的產品和技術,提供全系列頂級芳療服務。
Conveniently located 15 minutes from Taipei Shonshan Airport, the newly renovated Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei soars 43 stories above Taipei's premier business and entertainment district with sweeping views of Taipei 101 and the city skyline. Guests may find 4 fine-dining restaurants, a buffet restaurant and 3 lounges in the hotel. The Health Club features a gym, oil massage services and 2 outdoor rooftop swimming pools, while The Qi Shiseido Salon and Spa provides guests with numerous aromatherapy and beauty services in a serene space. A total of 14 function rooms ranging in sizes suit different customers' needs. In addition, complimentary access to in-house wired Internet and Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.
大型活動吉祥物不單單只可以做成人,動物,也可以做成商品形狀來讓人穿著來達到產品跟商品的宣傳效果, 這都是非常多活動可以用的廣告曝光最有效的辦法喔~